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Paper Strength Additives (PSA)

A new age Grafted Bio Polymer for Kraft paper / liner board
& writing / printing / news printing paper industries.

Benefits of paper strength additives

  • Improves fiber to fiber bonding
  • Retain fiber & fines, giving better yield from the same raw material
  • Better glaze & stiffness
  • Increase in breaking length, double fold, tear factor & other strength properties w.r.t. writing / printing paper industry.
  • Increase in Burst Factor (BF), helps improving Ply bonding and Ring Crush Test,
  • Improves the formation of paper and fiber distribution

Mode of Action

The pulping process, which is designed to remove lignin and thereby produce a fibrous cellulosic pulp, also removes a large part of the hemicelluloses normally present within. These hemicelluloses, which are mostly mannans and xylans, could contribute greatly to the hydration properties of the pulp and the strength of the paper formed from the pulp. Galactomannans replace or supplement the natural hemicelluloses in paper bonding. It is generally agreed that the hydrogen bonding effect is the major factor affecting the intra & inter fiber bonding. An examination of the molecular structure of the biopolymer reveals a rigid molecule with primary and secondary hydroxyl groups at all available positions without any other non polar groups. In addition, the single membered branches do not shield the available reactive hydroxyl groups. It is only the molecules present on the side chain which yield hydroxyl groups for Hydrogen bonding.

The roles of strength additives are more important in case of recycled paper manufacturing. Since with each cycle of fiber being recycled the fiber becomes weak and short.

The fiber supplemented with Glactomanan and hemicellulose show better bonding site as compare to blank.

Paper Strength Additives as a wet end additive forms better hydrogen bonding with pulp, due to high availability of hydroxyl groups in comparison to any other biopolymers. Such molecules are capable of bridging across and bonding to adjacent fibers, which result in a paper with better strength & cohesive properties.

Due to strong bonding characteristics of the product, the fines also get bonded with the paper wave with stronger forces and the tendency of these fines to drain down the wire gets reduced. Care is being taking while designing the product that this action is done with the formation of micro flocs of the fines so that drainage is not affected.

Paper Strength Additives Paper Strength Additives has a tendency to adsorb at the surface of fiber which results in better sheet formation, stiffness & Glaze.

The recycled fiber which loses some of its strength properties with each cycle of slushing are revived by the usage of such engineered bio polymers.

Safe & Environment Friendly

We know of no ill effects that could have resulted from using Paper Strength Additives for the purpose for which it is intended and from processing it in accordance with current practice. According to our experience and other information at our disposal, FS 801 does not exert any harmful effects on health, provided that it is used properly, due attention is given to the precautions necessary for handling chemicals, and the information and advice given in our safety data sheet are observed (MSDS can be provided on request).

The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application of our product, these data do not relieve processors from carrying out their own investigations and tests.

Goodrich's product range for Paper Strength Additives...

Paper Strength Additive : Fibstrong Paper Strength Additive : DSA Paper Strength Additive : Hemicell Paper Strength Additive : Fill-Plus